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的 opioid epidemic is hurting people, families and communities all over the country. In North Carolina, opioid overdose deaths have doubled in the past ten years. From 2000-2020 more than 28,000 people in North Carolina died from drug overdoses. 从2020年到2021年,达勒姆有185人死于服药过量. 的 Durham 紧急 Medical 服务 (EMS) responded to 481 opioid overdoses in 2020 and over 850 opioid overdoses in 2021. Overdose numbers increased in 2020 most likely due to the stress and isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Opioids include many types of prescription pain relievers, heroin and fentanyl. 如果你吃了这些药, 你有服药过量的危险, 物质使用障碍和/或成瘾. Other types of drugs can also cause substance use disorder, including alcohol. 的 good news is that there are some simple ways to reduce your risk of dying from an overdose. 的re are also treatments for substance use disorder 和成瘾 that work. 的 Durham County Department of Public Health offers programs and services to help people ready to address opioid use, 物质使用障碍, 和成瘾.

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Peer Support Specialists are people who have lived experience with substance use or mental illness. 他们接受过帮助他人连接服务的培训. CLC同侪支援专家提供以下服务: 免费:

  • 把纳洛酮包带回家,防止服药过量

    要联系同伴支持专家,请拨打电话 919-695-3246 or 919-560-7305.

  • 链接到治疗和护理,只要你准备好
  • 链接到减少伤害、住房、食品和就业资源
  • 帮助发展应对技能和避免诱因
  • 帮助建立一个支持网络
  • 帮助准备和参与恢复计划会议

CLC Peer Support Specialists are based at the Durham Recovery Response Center. 的y also team up with the Durham EMS community paramedics to form the Durham Post-Overdose Response Team (港口). 的 港口 aims to visit and provide support to every individual who experiences an overdose in Durham. 的 CLC数据亮点事实表 showcases some of the CLC program's most important impacts and successes. 

注射器 & 纳洛酮服务  

通过安全注射器计划(SSP), Durham residents may visit the Department of Public Health pharmacy or mobile-site locations throughout the community to receive the following services, 免费:

  • Sterile (unused) syringes and the option to safely dispose of used needles
  • 把纳洛酮包带回家,防止服药过量
  • 检测药物中芬太尼的试剂盒
  • 艾滋病毒和丙型肝炎检测
  • 心理健康和药物使用服务

的 SSP is designed to reduce overdose deaths and the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in our communities. 所有服务都已交付 秘密地. 欲了解更多有关此计划或其他药房服务,请致电 919-560-7632. 的 pharmacy is located at 414 East Main Street, Durham NC 27701, 1st floor, Lobby 3.


的 Durham County Department of Public Health has produced several guides and fact sheets with information on resources available to Durham residents struggling with substance use.


的 source of misused opioid medications is often the home medicine cabinets of family and friends. Durham County Department of Public Health partners with Alliance Health, Insight人力服务, 携手共创韧性青年(尝试), 以及达勒姆警长办公室 全国回收日 每年两次. At these events, you can safely dispose of any unwanted, unused, or expired medications. 的re are also permanent drop boxes in several Durham locations where you can dispose of medications at any time.

To find upcoming medication take back events or the location of permanent drop boxes, go to 手术药滴 . 欲了解更多信息,请致电(919)560-7765或发送电子邮件 drosser@dconc.政府.


注射毒品的人感染艾滋病毒的风险更大, 丙型肝炎, 和其他性传播感染. 的 社区测试 program provides sexual health services and testing anywhere in Durham County. 服务包括:

  • 免费和保密的艾滋病毒/性传播感染筛查
  • 一对一或小组性健康教育课程或讲习班
  • 免费避孕套
  • 免费和保密的安全注射器包和/或纳洛酮(纳洛酮)
  • 根据需要进行暴露前预防(PrEP)转诊.

For information about our services or if you would like to schedule a free screening, call 919-560-7844 或文本 919-698-1303.


的 Formerly Incarcerated Transition (FIT) Program aims to connect all formerly incarcerated individuals who have a chronic disease with healthcare and a comprehensive reentry plan. A Community Health Worker (CHW) works directly with formerly incarcerated individuals after they are released from the 博彩平台大全拘留中心. 的 goal is to achieve successful reentry and specifically to facilitate connections with primary medical care and, 如果需要, 行为健康和药物使用治疗. 的 CHW takes individuals to medical appointments and helps assure they have proper follow-up.

FIT是林肯社区健康中心之间的合作项目, 达勒姆刑事司法资源中心, Durham County Department of Public Health and NC Department of Public Safety. 欲了解更多信息,请致电 919-672-8929 或电子邮件 dclayton@dconc.政府.

达勒姆联合在一起 拯救生命(DJT)工作队

的 Durham County Department of Public Health is a member of the DJT Task Force. 的 DJT Task Force includes community organizations, health care providers and 政府ernment agencies. 的se groups have joined together for the purpose of addressing the opioid epidemic in Durham. 其他工作组成员包括Alliance Health, 携手共创韧性青年(尝试), 达勒姆恢复响应中心(DRRC), 杜克大学健康, 达勒姆刑事司法资源中心, 博彩平台大全拘留中心, 博彩平台大全紧急医疗服务中心, TROSA, 北卡罗来纳州减少危害联盟等等. 的 task force plans and carries out activities through four committees: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment, 预防和教育, Data, 和政策. 的 DJT Task Force is led by Durham County Commissioner Wendy Jacobs and Dr. 旺达·布恩,“共同帮助韧性青年”的首席执行官. 欲了解更多信息,请点击上面的链接或阅读 minutes from past meetings of the DJT Task Force and its committees


的 Durham County Department of Public Health sponsors training opportunities on substance use disorder for public health staff, 医疗服务提供者, 社区成员. 这些培训教育个人关于治疗的好处, 减少危害, 同伴支持, 以及创伤知情护理. 的 main goal is to reduce the stigma of substance use disorder in the community by spreading the message that it is a treatable clinical diagnosis rather than a moral failing. 


携手打造韧性青年 (尝试)