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民事 matters are filed in one of three court divisions depending on the relief being sought: 小额索偿 Court; 地方法院; and 高等法院. 小额索赔法院位于3rd floor M1, M2, and M3, 地方法院 is located on the 6th 高级法院位于7楼th 在博彩平台大全法院的一层.

重要的! The 高等法院书记 and staff are specifically prohibited by law from giving you legal advice.


截至10月1日, 1999, 联邦和州法律要求所有的子女抚养费都要送到一个集中的收集和分配单位, 而不是法庭书记员.

重要的! 博彩平台大全书记处不能接受您的付款,任何通过邮件收到的付款将退还给您. This will result in a delay in child support being sent to the children, 也可能导致你或你的公司被带到法院解释你的违规行为.

All payments must be made payable to North Carolina Child Support Centralized Collections. The addresses for the centralized collection and disbursement unit for North Carolina are listed below.



P.O. 900006箱





P.O. 900012箱




达勒姆郡 Clerk's Office CANNOT inform you of child support court dates. These calendars are maintained by the 达勒姆郡 Child Support Enforcement Agency. To obtain this information please contact their office by calling (919)-560-8930.


我们的出纳员接收所有通过职员办公室的款项,并通过财务管理系统(FMS)应用程序处理这些款项. 记账 clerks receive, invest, and disburse funds collected from court-related activity.

例如, 如果被告被命令支付法庭费用, 罚款, 归还, 可能还有缓刑监督费, it is the bookkeeper’s responsibility to make sure that the money is distributed properly, 被告得到了适当的信任, and the distribution is done according to the priorities established.

家事法庭(六)th 地板上

家事法庭的目的是将家庭法律问题合并并分配给一名地区法院法官或一组法官,由他们执行促进迅速和公正解决家事法问题的政策. 家长教育项目也可以提供.



家事法庭的一个主要目标是将一个家庭的法律问题整合并分配给一名地区法院法官或一组法官. 家长教育项目也可能是可用的. 在一起, 专职的家事法庭法官和工作人员执行促进迅速和公正解决家事法问题的政策.

少年法庭是处理对涉嫌犯罪或不守纪律的儿童的投诉的法庭系统. When children engage in conduct that would be considered a crime if committed by an adult, 这种行为被称为“违法行为”.”

When they engage in conduct that is inappropriate for minors but does not amount to a crime, 比如离家出走或者逃学, 他们被认为是“无纪律的”.“少年法庭可以判定儿童有违法行为或不守纪律,并施加后果,寻求使他们改过自新,而不是惩罚他们.

The proceedings are intended to be more informal and protective than a criminal trial. 因此, 关于未成年人犯罪或无纪律的裁决不是公共记录,没有法院命令不得向公众披露.

For more information about Juvenile Court regarding complaints against Juveniles, see the 青少年常见问题解答

“Juvenile court” also can refer to the court that handles child welfare cases.

For more information about child welfare cases, see the AND (虐待、忽视和依赖)常见问题. 

For more information on Custody matters, click here for 监护常见问题解答

绝对离婚 & 恢复娘家姓


绝对离婚的申请费是225美元.00. Service of the summons and complaint must be made on your spouse – the Sheriff's service fee is $30.00.




一旦你有了离婚判决, you may resume your maiden name through the Clerk's Office for a fee of $10.

另外, 你可以使用与书记官办事处民事事务科相同的表格,重新填写前任已故丈夫或曾经离婚的丈夫的姓名(如果你有与该丈夫同姓的子女). You will need a copy of the divorce or death certificate to attach to the application forms. 如果离婚或死亡发生在另一个州,你需要在你的请求中附上一份离婚判决或死亡证明的核证副本.

NOTICE: If requests are mailed in please have signatures notarized

欲知更多有关离婚事宜的资料,请按此 离婚的常见问题


Examples, Filing 费用, and 形式 for 小额索偿 Actions.


小额索偿是涉及少于10元的民事案件,这是一场由法官审理的诉讼. 小额索偿 actions must be filed in the 县 where the defendant resides. 小额索偿案件通常在提交诉讼后7至10个工作日内审理,欠债案件在提交诉讼后10个工作日内审理.





注意:如果你是通过邮件提交小额索赔, make sure to include two separate checks to cover these fees:

费用 & 形式






区 & 高等法院


地方法院 has jurisdiction over actions appealed from 小额索偿 Court; domestic / family law cases; and actions seeking $25,000美元以下的金钱损失.



NOTE: Unlike 小额索偿 matters no forms are available for filing a civil action in 区 or 高等法院, 而且法律程序要正式得多. You are advised to consult with a qualified attorney for actions in these courts.









任何有兴趣的人都可以到博彩平台大全法院一楼1500号房的民事备案处提交意外投标. 投标金额必须提高5%或750美元(以较高者为准),并存入高等法院书记官处. The deposit will be required in the form of a certified check, money order, or cash.

After a new bid is filed, a new ten-day upset bid period begins. 如果在十天内没有进一步的竞价,该物业将被视为合法出售给出价最高的一方. 如果出价最高的一方违约, they may lose some or all of their deposit and a new sale will begin.

重要的! Information contained herein is not intended as legal advice.

The Clerk of the 高等法院 and staff are specifically prohibited by law from giving legal advice.

A foreclosure is a judicial proceeding; therefore, 你应该向律师咨询具体意见



通常, 执行判决的方式是由书记官发出执行令状,命令治安官扣押和出售被告的财产,以履行判决. 在对个人发出执行令状之前,您必须发出一份指定豁免权的通知以及一份要求豁免财产的动议.

There is a $25 fee made payable to the Clerk of Court for the issuance of an Execution. 除了, 30美元的费用, 付款人是博彩平台大全治安官办公室, 是否需要按要求处理服务. You may go through the execution process as many times as you like during the 10-year life of the judgment.


A foreign judgment is a process by which a judgment from another jurisdiction, 比如另一个州, 县, 或者联邦法院, is placed on record in 达勒姆郡 to collect on the said judgment. 变得有效, 提交判决的一方必须通知被告提交判决,并告知被告有三十(30)天的时间提出任何异议.


金钱民事判决的有效期为十年,债权人可以延长十年. 通常, a civil judgment is picked up by the various credit reporting agencies that the court records daily. 民事判决一旦出现在信用报告上,就可能严重损害债务人获得贷款和其他信用的能力.

The judgment creditor (party awarded the judgment) may also have a Writ of Execution issued by the Clerk, ordering the Sheriff to collect the judgment from the debtor. 如果债务人不支付治安官, the Sheriff may seize and sell any available property in order to satisfy the judgment. 判决书收款程序讨论如下.


民事判决对被告拥有的所有不动产具有留置权的作用,并将附属于将来获得的所有不动产, 只要判决有效.

许多留置权也在书记办公室存档, 包括州和联邦税收留置权, 就业保障留置权, 和物质男子留置权.

If you are a General Contractor or Subcontractor and have not been paid on a project, you may be able to file a Claim of Lien in our office for a nominal fee. 没有可用于留置权索赔的表格-建议您咨询律师,以告知您是否应该提交留置权索赔, 如果是这样的话, 为你起草这份文件. The Clerk's staff cannot advise you about your legal rights. 


You may pay a judgment by making your payment at the Clerk's Office. 将判决书全部交至书记处, 你必须支付所欠的全部款项, 包括诉讼费和利息.

To make payment on a judgment into the Clerk's Office, you must pay in cash or certified funds. All payments received are mailed to the plaintiff and credited against the judgment.

Please contact the attorney of record and/or the creditor for pay-off amounts.


要在判决时邮寄您的付款,请给我们发送一封带有您正在支付的判决的档案编号和案件标题的信件, 还有你的全名, address, 电话号码. Clearly indicate in your letter that you wish to pay a civil judgment. 如果你想要我们办公室的收据, please request one in your letter and enclose a self-addressed, 信封已盖好邮票,准备寄回.

判决债权人的撤销义务 & 信用评价

If you are a judgment creditor (person who was awarded a judgment) and have received payments from the defendant, those payments MUST be reflected on the judgment in our office. 判决的减记和取消应立即作出,但无论如何不得迟于收到付款后60天.

重要的! 如果你没有在判决时通知书记官办事处付款,你可能要对被告的损害赔偿承担法律责任, 的律师费, 你也可能会被法院罚款.


如果你想用邮寄的方式, you may send us a signed and notarized Notice of Credit or Notice of Cancellation to:



510 S. 迪拉德圣.


NOTE: Remember to have the file number and case caption on the Notice—otherwise, 我们将不得不把它退回给你改正.